Flying Swimming News!
I do label named Flying Swimming with friends since 2002.
also, we will have 3rd release in this summer.
we making serise "Composition", its always 3artist, like triple split CD style.
and, this time is "ro" as 2nd tittle of this serise.
Today, I went to licencer of picture for cover work for this CD.
That picture from Unica Zurn. she was partner and model
for Hans Bellmer. I love her feeling super much!
That picture from Unica Zurn. she was partner and model
for Hans Bellmer. I love her feeling super much!
and, Musician for this "ro" are
Rashad Becker
from Berlin who is super nice sound mastering engineer,
also We are friend since 8years ago. he gave 6tracks for this project.
from Berlin who is super nice sound mastering engineer,
also We are friend since 8years ago. he gave 6tracks for this project.
This 3artist on this project.
its coming up in end of July - early August 2008.
I want to keep writting information at this blog.
its coming up in end of July - early August 2008.
I want to keep writting information at this blog.
っと、やっと Flying Swimmingから新しいリリースを発表出来ます。
fs00004に続きfs00005 “Composition ろ”は
と、ラッセル ハズウェルさん、フローリアン ヘック さんの
ユニット ハズウェル&ヘッカーさん
イギリスの鬼才 電子音楽家 トレバー ウィッシュアートさん
CDジャケットはウニカ チェルン さんの絵を使わせてもらう事にしました。
僕は ウニカさんの絵も雰囲気も とっても大好きです。
販売店 等の情報はまた 後日報告させて貰います!