3D glasses ・ 3Dメガネ
NHK. NHK bs名義でライブする時につけている3D 眼鏡。
諦めて、自分で作った。 カラーバリエーションも増えちゃったりして…(笑)
When im performing to NHK or NHK bs, i always putting 3D glasses,
but its getting old, then i wanted buy the new one but could not find it,.
then i made it by myself as there is more color variation... :)
looks pretty nice,,. or? lol...

諦めて、自分で作った。 カラーバリエーションも増えちゃったりして…(笑)
When im performing to NHK or NHK bs, i always putting 3D glasses,
but its getting old, then i wanted buy the new one but could not find it,.
then i made it by myself as there is more color variation... :)
looks pretty nice,,. or? lol...